Aaron Rich
You can hear Aaron weekday mornings on Australia’s most listened to radio station, Fox FM. Aaron averages over a million listeners each week (ratings via GFK).
So, why does Melbourne choose to listen to him every day? He talks about what’s happening in their city, ensuring he brings you up to date with the latest in entertainment and sport from around the world.
Aaron interviews the biggest artists, and always brings his 'fun' personality on air to make sure the listeners are having as much fun as he is. Aaron has over ten years’ experience in the entertainment industry and understand exactly how much goes into an event.
From bump in to bump out, Aaron knows it's crucial to be organised and be able to think on your feet. We can assure you, as your event host Aaron is well prepared, enthusiastic and comfortable either working off a script or adlibbing. Aaron is a host that will capture your audience and keep them engaged, naturally bringing interest and excitement to the stage with charisma and a fun attitude.