Melbourne Wedding DJ

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

How To Choose the Best Melbourne Wedding DJ For Your Special Day

Choosing the right wedding DJ can be a daunting task. There are many things to think about, from the type of music they play, making sure they are the ‘right fit’ for your wedding entertainment and whether or not you want them to provide other services on the day.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right wedding DJ.

Do Your Homework

If you're planning on booking a professional wedding DJ for your wedding entertainment, doing as much research as possible before deciding who to hire is essential. An excellent place to start is online — look at their socials, see if they match your vibe and check out reviews and testimonials from previous clients.

Get a Sense of Their Experience

The first thing you should do is get a sense of the DJ's experience. How long have they been doing this? What kind of events do they play? Is this person new to this business or have they been DJing for years?

Meet in Person

Once you've narrowed down your choices, it's time to chat with your prospective DJ – you can do this over the phone or in a zoom - you want to get a sense of their personality and whether or not they will be able to handle your event. Have a chat about your wedding and ask for suggestions on how they see the music working through the night. Once you think you have ‘the one’, meet with your DJs in-person to nut out the details.

Prepare a Playlist

Preparing a playlist helps give the DJ an understanding of your music taste. The playlist can include songs you like, songs you don't like, or songs that are special to you. You can also have information on what kind of mood you'd like each song to set (e.g., dinner music, dance music). The more prepared you are with a list of songs, the easier it will be for the DJ to read between the lines and understand your tastes.

You can also prepare a "Do Not Play" list if there are any songs you do not want to be played at your wedding. Your list might include specific artists or genres of music that you do not like.

Send Out a Song Request

Send a song request to your wedding guests, then share it with your DJ. This way, if there is something special you want to be played on the big day, you can make sure it happens. You can also set up a playlist on Spotify or iTunes so guests can add songs that they think would go well at your wedding.

What else can they offer?

Have a chat with your DJ about what other services they offer. Do they offer MC duties? Do they work with vocalists, saxophonists or percussion players to add a live component to your night? Are they part of a DJ Band? Can they bring someone in to sing your first dance live?

Hiring the right wedding DJ can be a challenge. Let Bloom Entertainment by Design's expert team help you make your wedding day even more memorable.
